How Kabir is different from others?
As we know some life events of Kabir Saheb in 1st part of an article on Kabir. A question arises in mind that Kabir Sahib was not so famous as any other religious Guru. His Dohas and his life journey influenced so many people but yet, he did not create any special religious path, why? let’s read the answer to this question in the words of beloved Osho.
Sometimes someone asked Osho.
Why did Kabir Sahib, who had one foot in Islam and the other in Hinduism, did not become as effective as Dharmaguru as it should have been?
And here we have the delightful answer:
The first thing to differentiate between a religious teacher ( Guru) and a teacher(Sadguru). The Pope is a religious teacher. If the Pope is called a religious teacher, do not call Jesus a religious leader. It will be insulted by Jesus. Use another word for Jesus — Sadguru.
Puri’s Shankaracharya is a religious teacher. But don’t call Adi-Shankaracharya a religious teacher; Otherwise, there will be no meaning in the language.
Kabir is Sadguru — first thing — not a religious teacher. The religious leader is part of an earlier tradition. Sadguru is the originator of a new tradition.
“ Kabira Khara Bazaar Mein, Mange Sabki Khair Na Kahu Se Dosti, Na Kahu Se Bair “
The religious leader has an old reputation; His shop is old; He deserves an old shop, even if he does not own any spiritual property, but he has a reputation in the market.
Sadguru stands all by himself. Starts from the Zero. He has no previous reputation. So Sadhguru has many difficulties; He has to re-establish all work again. As if you stand in the market with not a penny and start working… think about it. It is the difficulty with the Sadguru.
Example of a religious leader
Your father passed away, and leave crores of rupees in the will, then you start a shop. Naturally, you are comfortable. Father’s credit, shop name, market relations, well-known people, everything goes on — orderly; You just sit in the father’s place. The religious leader wills; Sadguru from experience. Buddha is Sadguru, Krishna is Sadguru; Christ is the Sadguru, Kabir is the Sadguru.
So the first difference is to understand that they are not religious leaders. And the fun is that the religious leader does not have religion at all; Only credit is available. Sadguru has a religion — no credit.
The religious leader has a system, a frozen community, followers. Sadguru has no one — only God. Simply, he has to start work from the property of God. There is a wealth of experience. He has to search. He has to find disciples who are ready to learn, those who are eligible, they have to search. And naturally, it is not easy for disciples to meet, because these disciples are part of some sect.
Difficulties come on the way to follow sadguru
Now you are gathered here with me. Someone is a Hindu, someone is a Jew, someone is a Muslim, someone is a Jain, someone is a Buddha, someone is a Sikh. You are bound by some tradition, born in some tradition. Removing you from your tradition is a problem. You also know the difficulty of getting out of yourself. Because there are thousands of vested interests.
A gentleman came a few days ago and said: ‘I want to become Sadhu but my daughter’s marriage is a problem. I asked, ‘What is the relationship between the girl’s marriage and your wish?’
He said, “The relationship is not visible from above, but from within.” If I become a monk, then it will be difficult for me to get a suitable boy for her. Then the people of my community will get angry. It is a matter of six months. Somehow this marriage is settled, then I am certain. Then there is no fear. ‘
What are the teachings of Kabir?
So there are a thousand such hidden fears: the boy has to get married; The girl has to get married. If you try to Come out of the circle of any community, so there is no forgiveness from the community just like that. the community will punish you. Confusion will create all the way. All the facilities provided by social relations will stop. Till yesterday he was your own, and now,?? They will be angry with you And harm you. Because no society tolerates that a man comes out from within its circle. Reduces its number. Reduces its power. His capital decreases. His force decreases.
“ Maya Mari Na Mun Mara, Mar Mar Gaye Shareer Asha Trishna Na Mari, Keh Gaye Das Kabir “
So it is not easy to get out from under the flag under which you are standing.
Then there are limits in your life, there are obstacles and complications. Lost job; Relationships break up; Obstacles should be born. If there are misery and happiness in the house, then society gets along; Stop getting all that.
Due to all these hurdles, the man is unable to go with the Sadguru. He has to stand with the religious leader.
“ Pothi Padh Padh Kar Jag Mua, Pandit Bhayo Na Koye Dhai Aakhar Prem Ke, Jo Padhe so Pandit Hoye. “
(no matter how many books you read, you won’t become wise, you won’t become the Pundit. A few words of love and you’ll become a Pundit. Try it.)
So Kabir was unique. But naturally, as many people went with Tulsidas, they did not go with Kabirdas. Tulsidas is a religious teacher; Kabir is Sadguru, both are disciples.
As far as poetry is concerned, literature is concerned, Tulsidas is also unique as Kabirdas is. But Tulsidas as traditional as far as the wealth of experience is concerned; Kabirdas is a revolutionary. Tulsidas is a stereotype; Kabirdas is a rebel. Tulsidas stands on the will of particular traditions.
Kabirdas is standing with his own thoughts and purity.
By nature, Tulsidas will get more lovers. That’s why Ramcharitmanas reached home.
Kabirdas’s words could not reach every house. This is the wonder that can reach as many as it can reach — even this is no less surprising. Because Kabirdas is like a big fire.
Tulsidas is ashes — There may have been ember once, but Tulsidas does not have an ember. Traditional is orthodox, there is an archaic pantheon, which is written in the scripture — so right. There is no tone of rebellion.
Kabirdas speak against the Veda; Speak against the Quran; Hindus speak against Pandits Muslims speak against Maulvi. And Khilafat is also not like that, not formal, not complete etiquette.
Kabir’s thoughts and words are very direct — head breaking. It is not easy to face Kabir. Only a few courageous people will be able to cope. Although what Kabir speaks is the Vedas, it is the Quran. But Kabir is his witness himself, does not take testimony from Vedas. That testimony will be lent, false.
To understand the other thing: if the saint walks on the path, he will get more disciples. If the saint leaves all the leaks, only a few rares will be able to accompany him. Going with him is full of danger.
Then there was no such a saint as Kabirdas; Not in the history of mankind. Bluntly speaking; — not worried about anything. Straight hit. !!! If you bear one Kabir, you will remember him for life; Will not forget Either you will bow down — you will be together. Or will you run away forever and be afraid of the shadow of Kabir again.
Sadguru — a revolutionist — rebel! And then it was also a hindrance…. As you ask, who had one foot in Islam and one foot in Hinduism…. So it seems that the two religions had their base. So he should have got followers from both religions. Also found; But very few. reason? Hindus said that he is Muslim. And the Muslims said: He is Hindu, beware of this!
Muslims got the idea that he is Hindu, to avoid it! He is praising Hindus. This is a hidden Hindu. This is a trick Conspiracy of Hindus — Beware of this Kabir!
And Hindus said that this man is a Muslim; Weaver is born at home. Don’t get caught up in it Do not get entangled in the matter of its name. This is above Ram and Ram; Actually, Rahim is hidden within. This is the case of Keshava-Keshava above; Karim is hidden inside. Beware of it Just avoid it!
Both looked suspiciously.
It came in my own experience. Because I was born in a Jain Family, that’s why Jain says: Be careful! From this man it betrayed the Jain religion; Revolted This man is an enemy of the Jains. Jain
Must be the enemy, otherwise, he would have spoken about Jesus? Speaks in relation to Muhammad? Krishna speaks in relation? Speaks about Buddha? Kabir, Dadu, Nanak — would he speak in relation to them? Has any Jain ever spoken? This cannot be Jain. This man is in deception. This man is cheating people. This is a way to corrupt the Jains. So Jain is careful.
And Hindus are by nature careful that it is Jain, stay a bit. There must be a Jain inside, say anything from above! Whether you want to take the name of Kabir from above, Nanak, but the meaning will be the same, that if you get caught in a trap one time, then, he will make you a Jain.
This was the situation. Both looked suspiciously. There is more confusion with me because it is not a matter of two. I also speak on the Jews and I speak on the Christians; Even if I speak on Buddhist, there is more confusion.
People try their best to save their darkness — whatever excuse is found. Therefore, you are right in asking that Kabir’s influence should not have happened. But when did it happen?
You think: what effect should Buddha have had? , what effect should Mahavira have had? What effect should Laotsu have had? Or of Zarathustra?
What is the philosophy of Kabir?
Truth can not be digestive, why?
If there was as much effect as it should have been, it would have been the earth — heaven.
These people bring great light, but we lovers of darkness! We stand with our eyes closed. Even if the light comes at the door, they refuse; Let’s reject it.
These people bring big nectar, but we are sitting embracing death!
These people bring great truth, but untruth is our selfishness — vested interest. We get shocked after listening to the truth.
Fredrik Nietzsche has said: Do not take away the man from his lies, because man cannot live without lies; The man will die Man lives by lies.
Do not take away his lies from man, because man cannot bear the truth. Truth is harsh, bitter; Man needs the sweetness of lies. Poison right — but sweet, a man will drink. if even Amrit right; but bitter, the man will not drink.
Then the man has somehow settled his dream world with lies. Just like if you have made a house of cards, you are afraid of the breeze.
You are afraid of the wind. You close the doors. You close the doors within yourself and sit, And fresh winds wait outside, but you do not open the door.
This is the case.
“ Chalti Chakki Dekh Kar, Diya Kabira Roye Do Paatan Ke Beech Mein,Sabit Bacha Na Koy- Kabir
(Heaven and earth, Good and Bad, Male and Female, High and Low — all around is duality. This play of opposites, this Chalti Chakki (moving mill) gets everyone, no one is saved from its powerful grip. Whoever enters this duality is crushed. No one survives. Kabir cries because rarely, if ever, does one see the oneness, the divinity, behind the duality.)
The saint wakes you up from those places where you are sleeping with great desire. Somebody is running after money; Tell him that you are crazy. What is kept in wealth? All is fine He will be angry. He will say: You take all my interest away! There is so much interest in my life: Money .. Collect money That is my ambition. What are you saying You are taking away my dreams. I live my dreams. If I do not have dreams, how will I live? How will i live without dreams You stop your nonsense? Let me go on my way. ‘
Some man is running behind the post: that he should become the Prime Minister! And if the saint gets in the way, then he says that ‘You are mad. Nothing will happen by going to Delhi. God will be attained with so much power. What will happen after reaching Delhi? But the one who is going to Delhi will say: ‘Sorry. Do not create these obstacles in between now, he will not listen. He will make the ears deaf. He will say: Come again sometime. Let me go now.
You see: when a politician loses in Delhi, no longer in office, then he starts going to saints. As long as he stays in office, he does not. What was needed when you were in office? Then the dreams were coming true. At that time dreams were becoming very real.
When dreams have broken, the time has broken, the wind blows — without calling, and uprooted the system of your whole life, then the man immediately starts searching for the saint. Why? Because now thinks: This life’s dreams were in vain; There is no meaning in the race now. So perhaps only the saints are right to find that edge. But it is in defeat, in sadness.
Talk of saints hurts because saints say — as it is. And you don’t want to see that.
You want to see it as you want it to be. And the saint says as it is.
Therefore neither Buddha understood as many people could understand. Ask me — how many could understand if everyone showed a readiness to understand, then even a man had no reason to stop.
The sun has come out How many people can watch?
This ability is infinite — sunlight.
Neither the sun nor the Buddha repays, nor does Kabir repay. This ability is infinite. Truth is infinite. The joy of truth is endless. The light of truth is infinite. Whoever opens his eyes will see. And everything is up to you.
If all the people are keeping their eyes closed, then the sun is rising, no one will even know. This is what happens
You have made a big deal with the darkness, you have tied up your selfishness; Engaged with darkness, so whatever the news of light brings, you are angry.
You are not angry with a religious teacher, because he is as blind as you. And like you, live in darkness.
You are angry with Sadguru. Sadguru is the edge of a sword; He makes you shatter.
“ Bura Jo Dekhan Main Chala, Bura Naa Milya Koye Jo Munn Khoja Apnaa, To Mujhse Bura Naa Koye. “
(This Doha is about observing one’s own mind. Kabir says that he searched the world for the bad guy, the real evil person but he couldn’t find the evil person no matter where he looked. Then he looked within at his own thinking process, his own mind. Then he found the real evil person who lived in his mind, unchecked. When we accuse, condemn another, it is our mind that is doing the finger-pointing, the other person is probably innocent or the victim of his circumstances. Were we to inhabit the condemned person’s body, live his life, have his conditioning, then we too would behave and act the same.)
Even the word ‘Guru’ has been humiliated due to the religious leader. The word ‘Guru’ has gone away due to its association with the religious leader. And gradually the glorious word like Guru was greatly distorted.
The word got distorted with the religious leader. Because the religious teacher is a false teacher.
The ‘Guru’ got involved with the lie, so it was spoiled, dirty.
Kabir is Sadguru.
Sadguru means:
one who knows. Not only know but who is also able to know the other. Not only see yourself but can also arouse the desire to see in the eyes of others. Not only lived himself but can also tickle another’s heart — that those who have fallen asleep in the darkness, some of them get up and go out on the journey. The journey will be difficult,
one who has tasted the divine himself and arouses such a fervent thirst in the lips of others that they too cannot sit without tasting the divine. One has to get up, have to walk — no matter how long the journey and how many deserts have to be crossed.
Sadhguru is a very glorious word; ‘Dharmaguru’ is not.
And then let me repeat that Sadguru has religion. And the Dharmaguru has neither religion nor guru.
The religious leader is a priest, a mullah. The religious leader is part of a business. The religious leader is associated with the world, connected with the market.
The religious leader does not change you, Sadguru breaks you, kills, bites you; Raises you with a chisel; Filtering. Gradually, such a moment comes when you become pure and become zero.
Sadhguru who can reach zero. But how many people want to go to zero. Therefore there is not much effect.
“Jaise Til Mein Tel Hai, Jyon Chakmak Mein Aag Tera Sayeen Tujh Mein Hai, Tu Jaag Sake To Jaag “
(God is within, like the oil in the seed — wake up if you have the power to.)
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