How to develop immunity easily?
Nowadays we are listening to the word- immunity very frequently. No doubt that Immunity plays important role in our health status. And since long we the doctors put weights to build up immunity. We always suggest and give tips to our patients on how they can build up the energy of immunity so that they never find illness nearby. But after COVID19 pandemic people get threatened by the way it is spreading and affecting the human race. Well, developing immunity is the way to cure of covid19 until the vaccine is not invented. And we must try best to keep our immunity level intact and high enough so that not only Corona but any the damn disease can affect us by any means.
Immunity Help Body To Fight Against Infection
Immunity or The immune system is the mechanism of the body that helps to protect against various infections and diseases. According to Ayurveda, immunity is the force which generates after the balanced work of various body elements called Dhatus. One side everyone wants to increase immunity, and another side no one understand it a better way and ultimately fails to develop it properly. Well, first we need to understand it so that we can develop it well.
Can we develop immunity instantly?
There is an old proverb I remember at this moment, “Don’t dig the well only after house catches fire!” The message is clear. One must plan ahead for the things that may go wrong, otherwise, it may be too late. It takes a long time to dig a well and find the water and by that time it will be too late to use to prevent the fire. Another example is it fair if one wants to take part in bodybuilding competition that is going to held tomorrow?! Yeah, one can take part, but will the guy win the title? Clearly NO. For bodybuilding competition one must go to the gym for a month continuously, he must take follow proper diet plans for a long time and then one can develop body muscles and may win the competition.
Likewise, the body needs time to develop immunity. We cant produce at an instant or with a single dose of any medicines. The body needs time to develop it. As per Ayurveda, our body is made up of seven body elements called Sapt-dhatus. Each individual body elements produce some kind of vital energy that the body needs essentially to complete various functions.
Types of Immunity :
To be very precise there are two types of immunity we can define. One that we get in hereditary from our parents. And second, that we can achieve in different ways during our lifetime. The immunity that we got from our genes can’t be modified or changed. Is it intact in its form since a person gets into a womb? Another type of immunity can be modified in several ways. One common example is vaccination. From the birth of a child, we introduce various types of vaccines at a different phase of life. And by the medium of vaccine, we try to enhance the defense mechanism of the body against particular diseases/infections.
Immunity is developed by Medicine only?
With your surprise, I will give the answer NO. Many people think that by particular medication only we can develop our immunity. But this is the myth. According to Ayurveda science development of immunity solely depend on how a person eats, sleeps, and thinks. There is one proverb says, we became what we Eat. Similarly, we became what we think…! Yeah, agreed …!
Healthy Food
According to Ayurveda our lifestyle, food habits, and process of thoughts give a strong impact on our health. The Food we take contains energy force. Now, this energy force either be negative or where food was cooked. Now, what if one eats the negativity infused food? positive. It depends on the source of food, nature of food, and the atmosphere nourishment its value is zero? It will surely not be helpful in the development of Obviously, the energy of food will not give nourishment, rather it will snatch away the vital force of the body. What if food is tasty but by the means of the basic need of the body and thus the body will not be able to produce the body’s needs. In this way, if we are eating food that is not at all having positive values (or satvik in nature as per Ayurveda) then it will not fulfill and infections. In other words, we will call this poor immunity. optimum vital energy force. And so the body will be prone to various diseases
What are the roles of Thoughts to build up Immunity?
Now let’s understand the process of thoughts. As you know strong positive mindset can defeat big obstacles. But a person surely can’t cross a simple road if he/she has a poor positive mindset. So many times we have seen in our routine consultations, the patient with a positive attitude defeats the major illness. But so many times we have seen patients fall down in minor diseases due to lake of positive thoughts. In short, good thoughts and positive attitude in life give your body good vibrations so that various organs of the body release enough amounts of hormones that work efficiently to build up stamina and vigor by all means for the body day various diseases and infections. That we called a high immunity power! and night. And this optimum stamina and vitality help the body to fight against
What is the role of Sleep?
Good Sleep is Essential for better Immunity
Good sleep is essential for emotional health and overall well-being. The benefits of sleep never should be underestimated. Our bodies get tired during day time with physical as well as mental tasks. Routine wear and tear make the body low in the energy force. A good sound sleep is the healing process of the body. During sleep, the brain releases various hormones and heals the body so that we can be ready for the routine task the next day. Insufficient sleep, going to bed late in the night may disturb the metabolic process, aggregates aging process of the body as well as mind and leaves a strong negative impact on our immune system.
What is the role of Exercise to develop Immunity?
No doubt that exercise makes you feel more energetic and healthier. During the exercise, the body releases particular hormones that help to maintain your mental health and it slows down the releases of stress hormones. Research proved that exercise causes change in antibodies and White blood cells. Those are the body’s cells that take a vital part to fight against infection. Even physical activity helps the heart and lungs more strong, it slows down the changes that occur to the immune system with
the age. Thus reduces the chances of various infections.
Moderate Exercise in any form is good for Immunity
It is advisable to add moderate exercises in daily routine in form of Yoga, bicycling, playing tennis or outdoor games, etc. Ayurveda suggests a moderate type of exercise only. One must do exercise up to half of his stamina. And must preserve energy for the daily routine task. I hope now you can understand clearly that one can develop good immunity with good sleep, proper diet, and lifestyle schedule. And yes don’t forget to give a food of positive thoughts to your brain for optimum immunity.
Originally published at on July 23, 2020.