Little Things: Learning Lessons

Poojan Jani
5 min readAug 4, 2020


To understand little things of life do give a binge-watch to this Netflix original series “ Little Things. Our generation is most forward and modern in terms of commitment, keeping promises, maintaining a long-distance relationship,s or helping each other individually to grow.

Some people have this opinion about cinema that one should not get influenced by all of this made-up drama, but here I would say people should be enough clever to what to imply in their real life and what should not. Web series or movies are part of entertainment but sometimes it gives life lessons too.

What are the little things all about?

To justify this point I would surely recommend every generation to watch the series written by Dhruv Sehgal. Along with writing, he is the main lead of the series with Mithila Palkar. The chemistry of these two is so natural, vivid, and relatable that we can for sure see ourselves in their shoes. This series has three seasons covering from their start of the relationship and handling long-distance relationships with overcoming all the obstacles with thorough understanding, support, and patience.

Modern-day relationships are more about efforts and less about acceptance. The pioneering idea of any relationship starts with changing each other’s habits or routines. But it does not work that way. The relationship becomes more fertile if, without judging it accepts the other one with all his/her flaws and rather helping them to find out who truly they are.

How the writing from 1stto 3rdseason upgraded, character development and what to Observe

First season :

Here, Little things take the initiative to justify this view with openness and grace of accepting one another as an individual and not just a union but a partnership. The first season is more focused on the live-in-relationship scenario, how to live together despite having a busy schedule, how sometimes professional life can give us major disturbance and how to handle it, how to make time on weekends and do favorite things together or going on countryside road trips and enjoying wine along with talking about the purpose of life and soul enlightenment things. Such joyful, meaningful, and life adding moments becomes part of daily life. The first season is very smooth, light-hearted, and playful focusing on small events that can change the mood. Be it food, watching television together, going out for an unexpectedly long walk or dinner at their favorite restaurant has made it all very special and delightful.

Second season :

The second season takes a big step by including more characters to the story and enhances the script with professionalism, family relationships, and old friendships. The first episode starts with Dhruv’s school friend visiting him in Mumbai and brings his favorite ‘ mithai’ (the sweet dish is called mithai in Hindi) which Dhruv used to eat during his childhood. Then it goes with remembering school days and how they were or which kind of mischievous acts they used to do to how they have differently grown up. Also, it adds sparkles when Dhruv feels everything has changed and Kavya motivates him by saying: Sometimes all you need is your old friend to talk because even if nothing goes right, our old friends can make us feel right.

Such moments brighten ups Dhruv’s thinking and he then thanked his friend for being there always. Along with that when it comes to the seriousness of relationships it is more important than the parents should be knowing about it. The most appropriate and natural episode would be when Kavya’s mother visits Mumbai to meet her daughter and also spending some quality time alone. The situations in the episode are well organized and made up of inspiration for real-life scenarios. Dhruv being a wise boy takes initiative to take care of Kavya’s mother and go for Mumbai Darshan where he gets to know Kavya’s mother and her point of view about life and their relationship with each other. That episode brings questions of mother-daughter closeness and also the generational gap love of old times and new times. Along with that the question of uncertainty arises when Kavya got a promotion at the workplace and Dhruv quits the job.

The real conversation takes place while they tell each other about it.The points to focus here are: how relevantly they fight for their truth, individually being right and figuring out what actually they want to lead them to more clear answers about life and adding explanations about their opposite circumstances made certain pros and cons lucid in terms of financial status, relationship status, and risk-taking factors. Today, not just outer look but such life boosting real conversations are more helpful to build a relationship. Some fundamental ideas that make a relationship successful are communication understanding without judgment and accepting the flaws of another. The second season covers up all these sweet- bitter experiences together and gives you a plate full of relativity, laughter, crying moments, and nostalgia about our old life patterns.

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Third Season :

The final and breakthrough season climbs up to the next level of growth and uncomfortable path of relationship which is distance. To pursue research work in his fieldDhruv decides to move to Bangalore and Kavya, because of her work decides to continue living in Mumbai. Though, she helped Dhruv in settling down and discussing other months of them being separate little afraid of losing the bond that they share. Meanwhile, Dhruv being excited about the new place and making new friends enjoys life and Kavya being lonely in the house as well as not concentrating on work feels terrible about Dhruv not being there. Such a situation either changes the situation or takes the bond stronger. The season has a lot to offer in terms of emotional struggle as well as emotional strength in pursuit of an individual as well as partners. This season does not just focus on long-distance relationships but rather in indulges more about their relationships with their parents, old house, or hometown friends. Kavya visiting Nagpur and meeting her parents made her realize about their health, their sacrifices, and their life-changing situations meanwhile meeting her old school friend made her feel grounded and safe. The same experience Dhruv explores when he visits Delhi and helps his mother in shifting the old house and the childhood things that made him realize how time has passed.

Such amalgamation of exploration, both the individual and the partner brings a lot of questions of worth and consistency of relationship. The third season literally encourages the audience to rethink their mindset and how one’s individual space matters. It highly focuses on chasing freedom despite being together and enjoying each other’s company. The third season has a lot to offer in an area of parental commitments, work priorities, career building, finding an individual’s sense of living a life, and maintaining a relationship with our loved once even if not seeing them every day.

The real adult scenario of mid-twenties life has major ups and downs and what we react on it or how we possess the hardships and make something beautiful out of it is the major relevance of the season.

Originally published at on August 4, 2020.



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