Protest And it’s effects
Today again let’s start a new discussion in the pursuit of Osho. Why protest in life? What does protesting prove? What are the consequences of protests?
All these things should be seen from a new angle. Not to mention a character this time. No monk, saint, fakir, or philosopher should be mentioned. This time it is Osho himself.
When Osho was in high school, his school rule was to wear a cap, why wear this cap? The school administrators or teachers did not have a logical or scientific answer. How can something that is not rational bind Osho? Osho refused to wear a cap. The open denial, open protest of a student from the school teachers .. was not tolerated. How does it happen …? Because a person who has even a little bit of power cannot tolerate opposition. His arrogance hurts, and Osho’s nature was to challenge the traditional rules. What a wonderful personality … !!!
Now, what are the consequences of this protest?
Every time a new punishment was given by the school for not wearing a cap. Sometimes he was asked to walk around the school grounds, sometimes he was sentenced to sit up. “I liked each and every punishment,” Osho said lightly. Because it allowed me to stay out of the classroom. I was bound in the classroom. I like to walk in the open field, look at the sky, interact with the birds, and talk to the trees. Secondly, all these punishments seemed like an exercise to me. I understand that exercise is very important in life, so I enjoyed punishment n made it double… Said Osho. If I have to do six rounds on the school grounds, I would do 12 rounds, if I had to do 15 fine seats, I would do 116 setups. Its fun, doing the exercise. Also, the teachers were more confused when they saw me accepting the punishment with a smile … because there is a punishment for giving trouble to the student. But in my case, the teacher’s rules don’t seem to work. Every time I was told to wear my cap, and I would answer, why wear a hat when I come to school? Give scientific reasons. Does wearing a hat increase intelligence? Increases memory? Good ideas come? Prove all this and I w ill wear THE cap.
Bengali students were not forced to wear hats at Osho’s school. On this topic, Osho jokes, that if there is a relationship between the cap and the intellect, if the intellect grows by wearing the cap, then it’s ok, Even I am ready to wear a turban-like the sardars. If wearing a cap or a turban increases intelligence, then Sardarji should be the most intelligent people in the world.
Now I will not wear a cap until I find a reasonable reason to wear a cap at school.
Osho says that I often wear a cap, besides school and when the school principal saw me, he asks me if you don’t mind wearing a cap, why don’t you wear one at school … ??? As Osho says, I answer “my wish.” I don’t mind wearing a cap, I like it. But you can’t give me any reason why the school should wear a cap, and so I don’t wear a cap at school.
It’s a small thing … but, here are the big question about traditional rules, the punishments for following them, the opposition, and how the protests are suppressed …,
We follow many rules of society in life only out of fear of appearances or punishment. If we break these rules, the so-called big people of the society, the people in power should be punished. How many of us follow the rules without knowing the scientific reason for fear of punishment,.
And, the funny thing is that such rules are called obedience and discipline in school, the impression of a law-abiding person in the society as a good person,
But something that is forgotten here …what has forgotten….?? …. one’s own intellect, one’s own understanding, one’s own loyalty. We consider those who bring change to be punishable at first sight. Over time we become his followers. when we understand his thoughts. But society does not look back on the change they initiated, giving pain and distress to the people who want to change something.
Raja Rammohan Roy for example. Who opposed child marriage and chastity. Even today, many women like Malala are facing stiff opposition from conservative and traditional societies. In the name of discipline, a person is taught to obey from school. Those who are liberal cannot tolerate this. Such children become adversaries instead of students. Even when the school can’t answer the child’s curiosity and the child’s questions correctly, the child is punished and tried to be silenced. If I run school, I keep a prize … for the gifted student in every annual function and for the disciplined student. But also keep some of the following prizes ..,
Most of the time not doing homework
It is possible that students like to do something new rather than just writing from a notebook and pen,
he or she didn’t do homework so we blamed it.
The student who has the most time off during the year … !! He may also like sky trees and birds more.
Most of the time a student comes to school without wearing a uniform or other items … !!
Because there is no logical reason behind wearing that dress, why wear it every day … ?? Such an idea develops somewhere in the corner of his mind.
Why should we blame anyone who breaks any rule or tradition .. ??? His thought s may develop over time. If his thoughts take shape in a new direction. Making everyone the same stereotype is like making a man a robot instead of a man. If there is a man, there is a person, he will also have his own personality. This separation in the opposite
Accepting personality is probably the hardest part. We can only accept people like us. It has become our nature to reject, to punish or harm something different from us. Whoever is really liberal will be the owner of his own wish or will have prominent thinking. He will never succumb to stupid and irrational rules.
Originally published at on July 19, 2020.