“The root cause of all diseases is the pollution of thoughts”

Poojan Jani
3 min readSep 9, 2020


The transformation of thought into behavior is an innate process. We have the same reaction everywhere in the mind, even in the conscious-unconscious state. If the thoughts are strong then the reaction is positive but if the thoughts are weak then the process of reaction goes back 360 degrees.

Now the question is,

How do ideas get polluted?

So there are usually two answers. One is that a life full of constant anxiety, stress welcomes negative thoughts. Gradually, these thoughts affect the body. Thoughts eat away at the body and one day the disease comes.

So it is often seen that being jealous of someone, thinking badly about someone, having an instinct to harm someone also invites disease in the body. Constantly thinking like this only gives negative energy to the thinker. And it invites stress and tension.

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That is why Acharya Charak has written in Charak Samhita that,

नरो हिताहारविहारसेवी समीक्ष्यकारी विषयेष्वसक्त: |

दाता सम: सत्यपर: क्षमावानाप्तोपसेवी च भवत्यरोगी ||

‘A man who consumes a benevolent diet and ‘vihar’, does all the work with understanding, is completely detached in subjects, gives alms, practices equality and forgiveness, and serves the afflicted, is a disease-free man. ‘

The second answer is that it seems that diseases are constantly being created in today’s society. What if the tendency to make money is not contamination of ideas? This kind of instinct has become ubiquitous today due to the pursuit of money. False reports, mistreatment and even incidents of dead bodies being treated in some places today can be read to the extent that our thoughts are really polluted.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Corona epidemic opened everyone’s eyes. We really understood that we need some medical treatment. Only by adopting some of the right directional routines can we eradicate this pollution, which will be the best step towards building a healthy society.

‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’

The only way to achieve this spirit of ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ in our culture is to stop this ideological pollution.

सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिन: सर्वे सन्तु निरामया: |

सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चित दु:खभाग भवेत ||

And the greatness of our culture is that it gives the mantra of peace. Let’s stop the pollution of ideas by learning to feel the welfare of the whole world and the country.

Moreover, expressing the goodwill of society’s interest and welfare will also prevent the pollution of our thoughts. Pollution of ideas can also be prevented by working towards goodwill, good thoughts, and social, economic, and physical progress of all. If we keep Adhi, Vyadhi, and Upadhi one step away from our mind, then everything including us will prosper.

In the fifth canto of the epic called Kavikulaguru Kalidas Kumarasambhavam, it is said that the first instrument for practicing Dharma is the body. Man has all the things for Dharmasadhana but if he does not have good health then all things are useless. There is a saying in Gujarati that, ‘The first happiness is healthy body itself’. As mentioned earlier, the body can be healthy only if the daily routine is good and excellent

The ideal daily routine includes not only sitting, getting up, eating, drinking, walking but also virtues like gentle fellowship, respect for gurus, righteousness. Thoughts automatically stop being polluted if virtues are implemented. We have to reap the same as we sow, if the seed of ideas is good then of course the pollution of the disease will stop.

Originally published at https://www.thelitthings.com.



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